TOP  >  生物多様性センターの国際協力  >  APBON  >  About us  >  Development of APBON

Development of APBON

2008 Apr. GEO BON Launch Meeting, Potsdam
2009 Jul. 1st APBON Workshop, Nagoya
* APBON was established
Dec. 2nd APBON Workshop, Tokyo
* The Steering Committee was formed
* Publication of APBON book was discussed
2010 Feb. GEO BON Implementation Plan Meeting, Asilomar, California
Mar. 3rd APBON Workshop, Nagoya
* Draft implementation plan for 2010-2011 was revised
* Five working groups were organized
Oct. APBON side event, CBD COP10, Nagoya
Oct. 1st APBON Steering Committee, Nagoya
* Visions and missions of APBON were agreed
2011 Dec. 4th APBON Workshop & APBON Science Symposium, Tokyo
* Implementation plan for 2012-2015 was discussed.
* Publication of the next APBON book was planned.
2012 Sep. APBON side event, WCC, Jeju
Sep. 2nd APBON Steering Committee, Jeju
* 2013 Action Plan was discussed
Oct. APBON side event, CBD COP11, Hyderabad
2013 Feb. APBON Working Group at 6th GEOSS Asia‐Pacific Symposium (GEOSS‐AP), Ahmedabad
Nov. 5th APBON Workshop, Los Banos
2014 May. APBON Working Group at 7th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium (GEOSS-AP), Tokyo
Oct. 3rd AP-BON Side event at COP12, PyeongChang
Oct. 6th AP-BON Workshop, Incheon
2015 Sep. APBON Working Group at 8th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium (GEOSS-AP), Beijing
2016 Feb. Side event at ASEAN Conference on Biodiversity 2016, Bangkok
Feb. 7th APBON Workshop, Bangkok
Sep. 8th APBON Workshop, Taipei
2017 Jan. APBON Working Group at 9th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium (GEOSS-AP), Tokyo
Sep. APBON Working Group at 10th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium (GEOSS-AP), Hanoi
2018 Feb. 9th APBON Workshop, Bangkok
Jul. 10th APBON Workshop, Kuching
Oct. APBON Working Group at 11th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium (GEOSS-AP), Kyoto
Oct. APBON side event, GEO WEEK 2018, Kyoto
2019 Jun. 11th APBON Workshop, Kuala Lumpur
Nov. APBON Working Group at 12th Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observation(AOGEO) Symposium 2019, Canberra
2020 Jun. 1st APBON Web Seminar
Nov. 2nd APBON Web Seminar
Oct. 3rd APBON Web Seminar
Dec. 4th APBON Web Seminar
* All AP BON actibity were held online in 2020
2021 Jan. 5th APBON Web Seminar
Jan. 12th APBON Workshop
Feb. 6th APBON Web Seminar
Mar. 13th Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observation(AOGEO) Symposium
May. 7th APBON Web Seminar
Jul. 8th APBON Web Seminar
Sep. 9th APBON Web Seminar
Oct. 13th APBON Workshop
Nov. 14th Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observation(AOGEO) Symposium
Dec. 10th APBON Web Seminar
* All AP BON actibity were held online in 2021

1st APBON Workshop, Nagoya

3rd APBON Workshop, Nagoya

APBON Science Symposium, Tokyo

APBON side event, WCC, Jeju

5th APBON Workshop, Los Banos

7th GEOSS AP Symposium, Tokyo

8th APBON Workshop, Taipei

10th GEOSS AP Symposium, Hanoi

12th AOGEO Symposium 2019, Canberra

12th APBON Workshop, Web conference


Future Activities

1. Promoting interdisciplinary research and problem-solving approaches with filling the observational and knowledge gaps
APBON will foster biodiversity research and monitoring through promoting national BONs, improving knowledge using cutting-edge technologies.

2. Promoting data sharing and data accessibility through/by networks of the observation networks
APBON will promote data and knowledge sharing, integrated analysis and assessment by collaborative activities, and delivering information and knowledge to stakeholders and global platforms. Networking with other networks and biodiversity information facility such as GBIF, ILTER and Asia-Oceania GEO is fundamental.

3. Facilitating capacity building
APBON be a platform of capacity building of scientists, practitioners and communities through joint research, joint publications and training workshops.