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What is APBON?

APBON has been established as a regional network related to the Global Earth Observation: Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), covering most countries of the Asia-Pacific region and covering all levels of biodiversity and ecosystems.
The concept of the Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network (APBON) is shown in the figure below.
APBON is cooperating with Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observations (

APBON’s approaches for biodiversity observation are on three levels: remote sensing, ecological process research and species/genetic research. APBON tries to link the outcomes of each level of observation.

New strategies to 2030

1. Biodiversity research ana monitoring
2. Networking of networks and communities
3. Capacity building
APBON fosters broader collaboration and engagement at regional and global scales, by multidisciplinary approach to respond to the national, regional and global needs.

For more details see:
Takeuchi et al. (2021) The Asia‐Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network: 10‐year achievements and new strategies to 2030. Ecological Research