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What is ESABII?

Our life depends on biodiversity and ecosystems. East and Southeast Asia is one of the richest biological diversity areas on the earth.

However, information and knowledge on biodiversity in this region available for its conservation and sustainability are still limited. More biological information and taxonomic capacities are needed to secure rich biodiversity in this region.

“East and Southeast Asia Biodiversity Information Initiative (ESABII)” was launched by 14 countries in this region and relevant organizations to achieve goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).


News and Topics

New brochure on ESABII Training of Trainers (ToT) on CITES Policies and Identification of Threatened Species.





Download of the ESABII Logo


Asean Cntre for Biodiversity

Convention on Biological Diversity

Convention on Biological Diversity

Convention on Biological Diversity

Convention on Biological Diversity

Ministry of the Environment