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AP-BON Working Group AOGEO Symposium 2019


  1. Setting the scene - Overview of APBON New Workplan and Today’s agenda [PDF: 2,609KB]
    Hiroyuki Muraoka(Gifu University)
  2. Biodiversity observations in Asia-Oceania ? Marine [PDF: 7,589KB]
    Takehisa Yamakita (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology(JAMSTEC) )
  3. Australian-LTER and its potential to contribute to AP-BON [PDF: 5,315KB]
    Michael Liddell (James Cook University)
  4. Biodiversit and Conservation in Indonesian New Guinea [PDF: 13,248KB]
    Charlie Heatubun (University of Papua)
  5. Biodiversity Observations in Nepal and Himalaya [PDF: 2,195KB]
    Mangal Man Shakya (Wildlife Watch Group)
  6. Conservation Challenges in ASEAN Heritage Parks and Progress of the implementation of Aichi Target 11 in the ASEAN Region [PDF: 4,721KB]
    Sheila Vergara(ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity)
  7. GEO BON’s activities and post-2020 strategy [PDF: 3,303KB]
    Laetitia Navarro (GEO BON)
  8. Integrated biodiversity database on freshwater organisms of Monsoon Asia [PDF: 1,620KB]
    Yuichi Kano(Kyushu University)
  9. Area-based conservation and management of coral reefs for climate change adaptation of tropical Pacific islands [PDF: 1,921KB]
    Hiroya Yamano(National Institute for Environmental Studies(NIES))
  10. Expectations from APBON [PDF: 4,120KB]
    Yayoi Takeuchi(National Institute for Environmental Studies(NIES))
  11. Expectations from satellite observations [PDF: 18,403KB]
    Osamu Ochiai (JAXA, Japan)
  12. Expectations from Carbon and GHG initiative / AOGEO Task Group 3 [PDF: 4,506KB]
    Kazuhito Ichii (Chiba University)
  13. Understanding biases and developing better standards for biodiversity data [PDF: 7,301KB]
    Alice Hughes (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG))